Dartmoor is home to a diverse range of animals, from wild creatures like deer and ponies roaming freely across the moors to domestic livestock such as sheep and cattle grazing in the fields. I also like to focus on our very own pets (companions) as well as wildlife park animals too. This combination of wild, domestic, and captive animals creates a unique and vibrant ecosystem that contributes to the rich natural heritage of devon.
The stunning Dartmoor ponies can be seen freely wandering across the moor. In the woodland, squirrels bounce around, bringing a sense of liveliness to the peaceful surroundings.
From the adorable Heilan Coo's to the lively ewe's and their playful little lambs, their presence adds to the picturesque landscape, making it a truly authentic moorland experience.
Pets are beloved members of our family. Whether they are cuddled up next to us on the couch, or exploring the great outdoors, they are characters we adore and cherish.
Wildlife parks & sanctuaries play a crucial role in the conservation of mammals and birds. These protected areas provide a safe and secure refuge & environment for captive breeding.
“Take only memories and leave only footprints.”
©1993-2024 - Darren Harris. All rights reserved.
Chief Seattle, Pacific Northwest native American tribe, the Duwamish.
"It takes a lot of imagination to be a good photographer. You need less imagination to be a painter because you can invent things. But in photography, everything is so ordinary; it takes a lot of looking before you learn to see the extraordinary."
David Bailey, Professional Photographer.